Monday, May 4, 2015

Eve's 12??!! No really.

It's 2015 already and in eve terms that means eve is about to turn 12. So as my wife would say "I can't believe you are still playing that damn game."

Also known as my mistress, and also known as the thing that I have (off and on) been playing since late 2004, and with Logan since 2005. Bottom line, it's been a long time. In fact so long that I can't remember being any other gamer tag but Logan, even though it was not my first gamertag, I find that I am just as responsive when someone says Logan as my real name!

Anyways, into the meat of this post, first off, free stuff! (The real dream of Eve)

First, space barbie stuff, and Logan IS looking for a new look....
He may make it look good, but Logan will make it look FABULOUS! lol

Okay jokes aside, current subs will get two of these jackets, women's model looks just as good. Okay maybe a little better. So I have a weakness for the women of Eve...
Anyways we also look to get a couple of the commemorative implants... specifically:

  • CA-3 willpower +3; Provides +1.5% ship velocity and shield capacity bonus; 30% bonus for set (CA1-4 is a set)
  • CA-4 memory +3; Provides +1.5% ship agility and armor hit points bonus; 20% bonus for set (CA1-4 is a set)
The full details can be found at this link -

So it's time to re-up those alts and reflect on 12 years ago...

2003- Still in the Navy actually, completing my last deployment and last few months in, I didn't even know Eve was a thing at this point, and it would be a good full year before I realized what I was missing.

I got into Eve in 2004, before I had even met my now wife (feels like a lifetime ago) but boy did I play it like a habit. I started out pretty industrial, okay I did I lot of missions and mining before I got into the first big nullsec wars in the north (The really old ones) and it was downhill from there. Logan got created as my combat only alt, and my main, who soon turned alt, was split focused. By 2006 Logan was my primary character, and a minmatar specialist.

Back in those days the whole game was different as were figuring out new and better fits, and I delighted in the metagame of coming up with the new best thing. I spent a ton of time in lowsec around here and still miss those careless nights of roaming, slaughter and death.

I can't even list without more time than I want to dedicate all the things that have changed in 12 years, but while not all were good, either in Eve or outside of it, this is one game that has had a distinct impact in my life, and I don't think there is many games that can say that for me.

In short, happy Birthday Eve, may your soon to be teenaged years help mature you further.


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